About The Village

Concord Village is the only originally HUD-financed housing co-operative remaining in the state of Arizona.  While thousands of cooperative communities thrive all over the Unitied States, a housing coop is an anomoly in the Western US where land is typically less expensive and private equity is easier to find to fund investor projects.  A housing cooperative is different in that rather than owning a deed for just one residence, our owners hold stock certificates for an equal share of the entire community.  We are truly invested not only in the community but in each other.


Concord Village residents represent a wide range of age groups, cultures and religions, and socio-economic backgrounds.  We are a great place to live and raise a family. We are a great place to work and go to school. We are a great place to retire. Concord Village is a community that supports all walks of life and every age group.


Concord Village is one of only a handful of multi-family developments that has received approval to participate in the Tempe recycling program. Our community began a dialogue with the city and found a way to make it work in our neighborhood, and the recycling program started in 2008.  Here is a PDF of what is recyclable.