is a resident / stakeholder website, not affiliated with Concord Village Inc mgmt or board
The corporation can be reached by calling 480-946-4271 or visiting 631 E Lexington Place, Tempe, AZ 85288
Please SIGN UP for our newsletter by clicking on the menu above.
RESIDENT / STAKEHOLDER INTERNET GROUPS: - Google Forum / Email Listserv - - Group - - Facebook Group - - Resident Meetings -
OUR GOVERNING DOCUMENTS: - Byalws - - Rules - - Other governing docs - this page
Concord Village is comprised of 373 one and two-story townhomes, more than half of which offer three or more bedrooms in compact economical and energy-efficient designs. The project was originally founded in 1964 and built in six phases from 1965 to 1968 as a pathway for low income families to build equity and eventually own their own home in the fast-growing Tempe housing market.
In 2027, after several refinacing efforts and a 60-year long wait, we will have paid off our last remaining HUD loans. As a result, we will finally be able to move to fair market value or deed the units as condos to our members.
The website was created more than a decade ago by enthusiastic residents living in Concord Village in Tempe Arizona. Updating this site and resident social media pages, and making sure that information is shared freely and transparently and answers are available for all residents is a community effort very much in the spirit of a healthy functioning housing cooperative.
HUD COUNTDOWN CLOCK (to Jan 2027) To discuss our options for conversion to fair market value or deeded condos in 2027, please join our google email group or subscribe to our newsletters.

Please help us test the event reminder SMS text system by sending a text message with the word "subscribe" to 480-418-4900